Mac Terminal Performance Hacks

Most improvements in macOS Sierra are not immediately visible to the ordinary macOS user. Especially under the hood many improvements have been made in the area of performance and safety. Some users experience a slow Mac after installing MacOS sierra

With the following 10 Terminal Commands you can speed up macOS Sierra. The commands disable various delays and animations from that standard built by Apple. These are nice, but not necessary for the Mac

Terminal is a utility that allows you to interact with your Mac through the command line. Linux operating systems include similar tools, since both Linux and macOS are Unix-like OSes. The command line interface (CLI), or the language that you type into Terminal to interact with your Mac, is called bash. Jun 04, 2019 4. Terminator is an open source terminal app built with a focus on arranging terminals in grids. Its behaviour is mostly based on the GNOME Terminal with extra features for regular CLI users and sysadmins e.g. Simultaneous typing in arbitrary groups of terminals, tons of keyboard shortcuts, etc. And it is free to use.

Open Terminal, which you can find in the folder: Applications ▸ Utilities. Copy and paste the following command either in the Terminal window. Press enter to apply this

  1. May 22, 2019  8 Best Terminal Commands For Mac. Of course, defining the best Terminal commands for Mac really depends on what you want to get out of this tool. First things first though, to start you need to know how to open command prompt on Mac because you can’t use any Terminal commands without it: Double-click your Macintosh HD icon or open a Finder window.
  2. Aug 19, 2019 The Terminal on macOS can be extremely useful in tweaking the performance of your Mac. Now it entirely depends on what you want to achieve. In case you have been dreading to use it, you can always.
  3. We will try to provide you with all the necessary information about useful Mac Terminal commands, how to use Terminal on Mac and different tips and tricks when working with Terminal. As it turned out, huge amounts of search queries concerning the topic “Terminal on Mac”, “Mac hacks Terminal” appear on the Internet almost every day.

macOS user interface

1. Disable animations when opening and closing windows.

defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSAutomaticWindowAnimationsEnabled -bool false

2. Disable animations when opening a Quick Look window.

defaults write -g QLPanelAnimationDuration -float 0

3. Accelerated playback when adjusting the window size (Cocoa applications).

defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSWindowResizeTime -float 0.001

4. Disable animation when opening the Info window in Finder (cmd⌘ + i).

defaults write DisableAllAnimations -bool true

5. Disable animations when you open an application from the Dock.

defaults write launchanim -bool false

6. Make all animations faster that are used by Mission Control.

defaults write expose-animation-duration -float 0.1

7. Disable the delay when you hide the Dock

defaults write autohide-delay -float 0


Mail applicatie

8. Disable the animation when you sending and replying an e-mail

defaults write DisableReplyAnimations -bool true
defaults write DisableSendAnimations -bool true


9. Disable the standard delay in rendering a Web page.

defaults write WebKitInitialTimedLayoutDelay 0.25

10. The keyboard react faster to keystrokes (not equally useful for everyone

defaults write NSGlobalDomain KeyRepeat -int 0

When the commands are conducted in macOS Terminal, you need to reboot your Mac. After re-login you will notice that your Mac responds smoother.

Undo changes

If you want any of the above commands undo than is possible using the defaults delete command.

defaults delete domain key

Example: To undo the adjustment number 10, type the command:

defaults delete NSGlobalDomain KeyRepeat

After undoing, you need to restart your Mac.

For the typical Mac users, the Terminal is something that seems too complicated to use. Even worse, some of them don’t know it exists. Now, if you don’t have any idea what the Terminal is all about, it’s where you execute different Mac Terminal commands. Believe us; it’s a fantastic tool to use, especially if you know how to use it.

How to Access the Mac Terminal

Accessing your Mac’s Terminal is easy as pie. Just follow the steps below:

  • Go to the Applications folder.
  • Select the Utilities folder.
  • Open Terminal.
  • The Terminal should now be displayed on your screen.

Since you already know where to find the Terminal, it’s time that we teach you some of the best and handy Mac Terminal tricks.

7 Helpful Mac Tips and Tricks

1. How to Change the Default Format of Screenshot Images

By default, your Mac saves screenshots in PNG file format. Of course, there is nothing wrong with that. However, if you are planning to share these images online, you might need them to have a lower resolution. For that, your best option is to save these screenshots as JPG, PDF, or TIFF files.

To save a screenshot on your Mac in another format, launch Terminal and type, defaults write type JPG. By typing that command in the terminal, all screenshots will be saved in JPG format. If you want, you can also try other image formats that your Mac supports. Just replace JPG with another image format you desire.

2. How to Create a Folder for Recently Used Applications

Creating a Create Applications folder on your Mac is possible. Open Terminal on your Mac and type this command:

defaults write persistent-others –array-add ‘{ “tile-data” = { “list-type” = 1; }; “tile-type” = “recents-tile”; }’;killall Dock

Check on your Dock and see a new item generated. Control-Click on the item to see several options that will allow you to modify what will show in the Recent Applications folder.

3. How to Flush Your Mac’s Memory

When your Mac starts to become unresponsive, the usual thing that you’d do is to restart it. Doing so will free up the system memory to make things normally run again. Then again, the downside of this restarting process is you need to save all your current projects beforehand; else they will be lost. You also need to switch off certain apps.

Though there are apps out there like Tweakbit MacRepair, which helps improve the performance of your Mac by optimizing the RAM to give room for more active apps, there is one Terminal tip that is worth trying. As with other tips listed in this article, this one also starts with opening the Terminal. Once it is open, proceed with typing the command, sudo purge.

After entering the command, you will be asked for your password. Wait for your Mac to process the command and you should eventually notice an improvement in your Mac’s performance.

4. How to Create a Custom Login Message

If ever you want to troll your friends, this tip may come in handy. Add a custom message on your Mac’s login screen. To do that, open Terminal on your Mac and enter this command:

sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/
LoginwindowText “In case of loss, call 123-456-7890.”

Feel free to modify your custom message by changing what’s inside the quotation marks.

5. How to Keep Your Mac Awake

If you’re currently running a vital task or you are recording something on your screen, you need to prevent your Mac from going to sleep. Fortunately, there is a Terminal command for that: caffeinate.

After entering the command, your Mac should stay awake until you end it by pressing Control + C. In case you wanted to set a specific time before your Mac goes to sleep, enter this command: caffeinate –u –t 3600.

The command above will keep your Mac awake and be running for an hour. If you wish to adjust the time, replace 3600 with your preferred time in seconds.

6. How to Force Your Mac to Restart After a Crash

Mac Terminal Performance Hacks 1

There are rare instances when our Macs suddenly freeze and stop. In these times, crying and yelling won’t help. What you can do instead is open Terminal and enter this command: sudo systemsetup –setrestartfreeze on. This command should make your Mac reboot as soon as it detects a system freeze.

7. How to Copy the Contents of a Certain Folder from One Location to Another

Mac Terminal Performance Hacks Free

While you can conveniently press the Option key and drag a file to a new location to copy it, you can simplify the process by trying out this easy Terminal trick:
ditto –V ~/original/folder/ ~/new/folder/.

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On a Final Note

Mac Terminal Performance Hacks 2

The Terminal is quite a handy feature for Macs. Plus, it’s straightforward to use, especially now that you know what commands to enter there. Hope you enjoy trying out these commands! Feel free to share your favorite Mac Terminal trick in the comments section below!

Mac Terminal Performance Hacks For Windows 10


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